Mental health is as important as physical health. One in five young people will experience a mental health challenge each year with issues such as depression and anxiety as significant impediments to academic success.
Please see the attached flyers to learn more about The Mental Wellness Matters awareness campaign, what services are available and how to access those services.
Click on link for flyer in English
Click on link for flyer in Spanish
The updated Code of Student Conduct is available. Please review with your child/ren, sign the acknowledgement for and return to your child's teacher.
The Code of Student Conduct can be found under the "Families" section of the website.
This is a great fundraiser for Zora Neale Hurston Elementary. Parents, students, teachers and community members simply place clothing, shoes and household items in the container located at the end of the drop off area in front of the school. The items are weighed and picked up by Lauren's Kids and ZNH will receive $.05 per pound that is collected.
What items can be placed in the container??
Sample items include: clothing, shoes, pots, pans, dishes, glassware, plastic ware, toys,
small appliances, picture frames, blankets, sheets, and towels
When can I drop off items?
Items can be dropped off anytime the school is open, this includes summer.