Zora Neale Hurston Logo
  • Therapy dog visiting Zora Neale Hurston
  • Students celebrating Dr Seuss Day with green eggs and ham
  • Kindergarten students reading to younger students

Welcome to Zora Neale Hurston

Zora Neale Hurston School Building

Zora Neale Hurston Elementary prepares students with the academic skills, habits of mind, and character traits necessary to perform on or above grade level in middle school and to succeed in rigorous high school courses.

The staff of Zora Neale Hurston Elementary works diligently each day and often beyond school hours to ensure that the students receive a quality educational program to meet students' academic and socio-emotional needs. Constant interaction with parents is initiated and nurtured by faculty and staff members. The parents and faculty work cooperatively to enhance each child's learning potential. A sense of family exists among administrators, faculty, staff, parents, and students. 


If you need to reach the school please email pr2511@dadeschools.net

Please see our school video



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News and Announcements


Each year, the Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) Division of Student and Family Support Programs conducts a parent/family engagement survey designed to obtain feedback and information about the parent and family engagement services being provided. The purpose of the survey is to enhance and plan for future support services that empower parents to better support their child’s education. The 2024-2025 M-DCPS  Title  I  Parent/Family  Engagement  Survey  will  be  available  online from Thursday,  March 13, 2025, through Friday, June 6, 2025. This survey is open to all parents of children attending schools implementing the Title I Schoolwide Program. The online survey is available in English, Spanish, and Haitian-Creole. To complete the survey, please click here. Survey responses will be anonymous.  Your opinion is very important to us. Don’t miss this opportunity to provide your input. 

Cada año, la División del Programa de Apoyo a Estudiantes y Familias de las Escuelas Públicas del Condado Miami-Dade (M-DCPS) conduce una encuesta sobre la participación de padres y familia en las actividades escolares, diseñada para obtener su opinión e información sobre los servicios proporcionados. El propósito de la encuesta es de mejorar servicios para ayudar a los padres a que puedan apoyar aún más con la educación de sus hijos en el futuro. La encuesta de Título I de Participación de Padres y Familias estará disponible en la red cibernética de las escuelas públicas del Condado Miami-Dade desde el jueves 13 de marzo del 2025 hasta el viernes 6 de junio del 2025. Esta encuesta está abierta a todos los padres de niños que asisten a escuelas que están bajo el Programa de Título I. La encuesta en la red cibernética está disponible en inglés, español y haitiano criollo. Para llenar la encuesta, por favor haga clic aquí. Sus respuestas serán anónimas. Su opinión es muy importante para nosotros. No desaprovechen la oportunidad de dar su opinión.

Chak ane “Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS)” (Lekòl Leta Miami-Dade County) Divizyon Pwogram Sipò Elèv ak Fanmi fè yon sondaj angajman paran/fanmi ki fèt pou jwenn fidbak ak enfòmasyon sou sèvis angajman paran ak fanmi. Objektif sondaj la se amelyore ak planifye pou sèvis sipò nan lavni ki pèmèt paran yo pi byen sipòte edikasyon pitit yo. Sondaj “Title I” 2024-2025 sou Patisipasyon Paran/Fanmi ap disponib sou Entènèt kòmanse Jedi, 13 mas, 2025 jiska Vandredi, 6 jen, 2025. Sondaj la ouvè pou tout paran timoun ki nan lekòl ki ap enplemante Pwogram Nan Tout Lekòl “Title I”. Sondaj sou Entènèt la disponib ann Anglè, Espayòl, e an Kreyòl. Pou ranpli yon Sondaj silvouplè klike la a pou enskri. Repons yo ap anonim. Opinyon ou trè enpòtan pou nou. Pa rate opòtinite pou bay a ide w. 


Click here for resources

Title 1 District Council General Meeting will be held on Thursday 12/5/24 at 6:30.  Click links to access flyer in English/Spanish with link to meeting


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Five Star School Award Golden School Award Cambridge Award STEM silver award picture


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